What’s Work-Life Harmony? And Why is it Important?

At SPECTRUM, we are all about Work, Play, Belong – after all it is our tagline. We believe these three elements are what makes, not only a great workspace, but also a fulfilling life. But of course, the biggest challenge will always be, how does one strike a balance between Work and Play? Is is really possible to achieve Work-Life Harmony? We hear you (& we relate), so we’ll be exploring the importance and the benefits of Work-Life Harmony.

What’s Work-Life Harmony?According to Singapore’s Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), work-life harmony is defined as a state in which an individual is able to achieve both professional and personal goals (i.e. not sacrificing one for the other).

Inherent in this definition is the view that “work” and “life” are interdependent elements – elements that are becoming increasingly intertwined given current demographic trends (e.g. decreasing birth rates) and the resultant increase in family responsibilities (i.e. fewer extended family members and siblings to help take care of children or elderly parents). All of these increases “time stress” which leads to psychological and emotional pressure, as well as potential burnout.

This is why it’s important to bear in mind the following when discussing work-life harmony:


Work-life harmony is NOT about the time you spend working versus the time you spend on personal matters. Rather, it’s about achieving an optimal balance between the interdependent elements of work and life so that both professional and personal goals can be achieved.

Benefits of Achieving Work-Life Harmony

Without going into too much detail, the benefits of achieving harmony between work and life include the following:

1. Helps maintain mental health

Work can cause stress and burnout which – in turn – can lead to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Achieving work-life harmony can prevent or alleviate these symptoms.

2. Helps maintain physical health

Overworking can lead to various health issues including chronic aches/pains, heart problems and hypertension. Work-life harmony – which encompasses being able to set aside time for exercise – can also prevent or alleviate such symptoms.

3. Increases productivity

Although working overtime might seem more productive, it can be detrimental with respect to the quality of work you produce. Attaining work-life harmony leads to better peace-of-mind, better overall mood and – consequently – better productivity and quality of work.

With the above benefits in mind, the next part of this series will give you some insights about how you can manage your time to achieve work-life harmony.

In the next part, we share some tips on managing your work time.

This article was originally published by Golden Equator People Experience Management Team