Dealing with Burnout to Maintain Work-Life Balance

Previously, we covered the signs you can look out for in order to determine whether you’re suffering from the effects of burnout and stress. In this second part of our Mental Health Matters series, we’ll be providing some simple tips on how you can deal with – and manage – burnout and stress.


1. Set Boundaries

One key approach towards managing or avoiding burnout and stress is to set boundaries. This could mean taking a few days of leave to “unplug” from work, or even leaving work a bit earlier to spend time with family over dinner. You may experience feelings of guilt, but know that these feelings are completely normal. Even Sheryl Sandberg felt the same about leaving work at 5:30pm daily to have dinner with her children.


2. Take Up A Hobby

Instead of sitting around on weekends dreading the start of the next work week, why not take up a hobby instead? Taking up a hobby that you can immerse yourself in will not only enable you to experience and learn something new, but it will also allow you to take your mind off work so that you can come back refreshed.


3. Exercise

Get out and move! Go for a run, do some yoga, or wipe yourself out with a circuit of high intensity interval training. Whatever your activity of choice, research has shown that exercise triggers your body to produce endorphins – good stuff that helps to elevate your mood. Moreover, exercise helps you shift your attention away from work (and any work drama!) and onto your personal wellbeing.


4. Socialise

If exercise really isn’t your thing, then why not catch up with some friends? Don’t leave it to chance. Instead, consciously plan social activities such as a movie, coffee, dinner or drinks (but not too many!). As mentioned, any (healthy) activity that helps you take your mind off work will help to prevent burnout and stress.


Last but not least, don’t be afraid to acknowledge stress and/or burnout. Instead, speak to your manager about what you’re going through so that solutions to help preserve your mental wellbeing can be found. In the next part, we share more tips to help you practice self-care daily.


This article was originally published by Golden Equator People Experience Management Team